Research Institute for
Sustainability | at GFZ

RIFS conducts research with the goal of understanding, advancing, and guiding processes of societal change towards sustainable development.

In brief

RIFS Researcher at Security Conference

RIFS research group leader Rainer Quitzow will discuss the topic “Europe's Energy Moment: Leading Innovation Amid Global Shifts” at the Munich Security Conference on February 14 at 5:30 pm. The panel will be livestreamed.

Linking climate change to SDGs for a more sustainable future

Prior to the 62nd IPCC meeting a team of scientists including RIFS researcher Maheswar Rupakheti argued to make the upcoming IPCC reports more policy-relevant by holistically reflecting on all SDGs. Read in the The Himalayan" what they are requesting. 

Read the New RIFS Newsletter

The current newsletter with an overview of new research projects, the dates in February and March 2025 at RIFS as well as articles and publications - read here.
